It's time to start planning for next school year and our marching band season. Please read the following carefully:
First the to-do list
Fill out the following form (even if you are a returning member):
Get a physical. This must be dated from on after December 1, 2023.
Make your first payment at
Join the BAND app, have at lease one parent join the app, and check it over the summer.
Now the details:
Marching band is an extracurricular activity that begins in July and ends in the first week of November. The marching band practices after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4-6pm. We perform at all football games on Friday nights.
Participation in marching band will give you a PE waiver! In other words, if you do marching band then you won't have to do PE.
The marching band schedule is in the BAND app calendar at Please join the BAND app if you are not a member.
Band camp will take place during the week before school starts. We will meet on July 29, August 1, and August 2 from 4-9pm. More details will be posted on the BAND app this summer, so make sure you join!
A current physical (from on or after December 1 2023) will be due on the first day of band camp. Please plan ahead and get this done over the summer.
The cost for this year is $200. This covers the t-shirt, pre-game meals, waters for games, and other incidental costs. Payments can be made on OSP at asdcd. Please use the following payment plan:
May 17 - $50
July 29 - $50
August 30 - $100
Why should you do marching band?
Band students are more likely to graduate, have better social integration, get higher grades, and are less likely to face discipline issues.
It's fun! Well, sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's hard. However, band is a family. You will be supported and surrounded by friends.
It's not that time consuming. Freshmen often think they won't have time to do marching band. It's really not an issue for most students. You will have time to do everything you need to be successful in high school.
It doesn't conflict with sports (except for football of course). You will be able to play sports and do marching band.
Finally, marching band can launch you on a path toward a college scholarship. Even if you don't major in music, most colleges have scholarships available for students who participate in band.
This fall will be a little different as they break ground on the new North Springs HS building. We will not have a stadium or our practice field for two years. We're still working on details, but we'll go over that during band camp. Following is the football schedule. Notice that all games will be played off campus this fall:
2024-2025 SPARTAN FOOTBALL SCHEDULE 08/16/2024 @ Holy Innocents – Game to be played at Riverwood 08/23/2024 BYE (no game) 08/30/2024 @ Woodstock (Non-Region) 09/06/2024 @ Druid Hills (Region) 09/13/2024 vs Southwest Dekalb – Game to be played at Centennial High School – SPARTAN HOMECOMING 09/20/2024 @ Clarkston 09/27/2024 @ St Pius X 10/04/2024 vs Marist – Game to be played at Marist High School 10/11/2024 @ Lithonia 10/18/2024 vs Tucker – Game to be played at Cambridge High School 10/25/2024 BYE 11/01/2024 vs Northview – Game to be played at Northview – SPARTAN SENIOR NIGHT
Please check the BAND app over the summer, and let me know if you have any questions -
